Excerpts from my Journal
Hi All,
It feels good to be sitting here and writing, I like to journal, but sometimes I like to take excerpts from my journal and actually create a blog around my thoughts. I was never a "writer", but I discovered when you start to write it actually becomes very addictive, and therapeutic. If you are going through tough times, pull out a journal and start writing, you'll be surprised what you put down on paper.
You can also have a gratitude journal, write 5 things you are grateful for each day.
"I don't know about you but 2013 was a brutal year for me, and my family. There was so much sickness, between my brother's 2 strokes, my Mother's 2 near death experiences, and my step-father's pneumonia. It took a toll, we drove 2 hrs there and back every weekend to see and take care of family. We did that from June until December, it was so tiring. Between job change, family issues, and sickness I was glad to see 2013 go. To top it all off my 19 year old son told me right before Christmas he is leaving college and is moving to B.C. (4200kms away) Whoa, now that was a shock.
We know eventually our children will leave the home, and begin life as they know it. I didn't realize how sad I would become and how empty I felt when he left. I totally got the "empty nest" feeling that other mothers so often talked about. As a mother, a part of me was like make excuses for him to stay, but as a Life Coach accept the fact he has a mind of his own, and wants to move to B.C. to follow his passion. I am all about people following their passion, just because I may not understand it does not mean I can pass judgement and not encourage him. Over the years I've tried to instill life lessons, and independence into Ryan, and to hear him making the right choices warms my heart and puts a smile on my face. Ryan put himself out there, he wanted an apprenticeship in glass blowing, and he got it. Things are going well, and he is very happy. As a mother that's all I can ask for".
5 Things I am Grateful For:
Until next time...Thanks for stopping by
Shelley Harris
You can also have a gratitude journal, write 5 things you are grateful for each day.
"I don't know about you but 2013 was a brutal year for me, and my family. There was so much sickness, between my brother's 2 strokes, my Mother's 2 near death experiences, and my step-father's pneumonia. It took a toll, we drove 2 hrs there and back every weekend to see and take care of family. We did that from June until December, it was so tiring. Between job change, family issues, and sickness I was glad to see 2013 go. To top it all off my 19 year old son told me right before Christmas he is leaving college and is moving to B.C. (4200kms away) Whoa, now that was a shock.
We know eventually our children will leave the home, and begin life as they know it. I didn't realize how sad I would become and how empty I felt when he left. I totally got the "empty nest" feeling that other mothers so often talked about. As a mother, a part of me was like make excuses for him to stay, but as a Life Coach accept the fact he has a mind of his own, and wants to move to B.C. to follow his passion. I am all about people following their passion, just because I may not understand it does not mean I can pass judgement and not encourage him. Over the years I've tried to instill life lessons, and independence into Ryan, and to hear him making the right choices warms my heart and puts a smile on my face. Ryan put himself out there, he wanted an apprenticeship in glass blowing, and he got it. Things are going well, and he is very happy. As a mother that's all I can ask for".
5 Things I am Grateful For:
- Health & Strength
- Family & Friends
- Home
- Employment
- Humour
Until next time...Thanks for stopping by
Shelley Harris
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