Moving Right Along
Hello All,
Oh my where to begin, so you all know I am moving to Newfoundland in less then 2 weeks, I am getting extremely nervous, scared, and feeling real emotional. Although the decision was made to move with love, it still leaves me with the thoughts of what the hell am I doing. Then I stop and start thinking of the amazing family we have there and my wonderful friends. I take myself back to this past summer when I was traveling around for a couple of days with my friend Eliza. She took me to places in Newfoundland that I didn't know even existed. Once I saw those places, I was so much more in love with Newfoundland, I knew I had to move there.
For the past two years my husband and I wanted to move to Newfoundland but it never felt right, now with my older son moving to BC last year and my older daughter moving with her Dad to go to college in Oakville the time felt right to move now. I prayed many nights and asked God for direction, and there were some clear signs that I received to let me know the time is now. So with that, I am leaving my incredible job, my life here in Ontario, my family and my friends. It is time for me to slow down, and live in the present. My mind and body are always in overdrive, I have to force myself to slow down. My youngest daughter is almost 7 years old and I feel like I've missed enough. I want to be here and available for her, just like I was with my older two.
When you are in the process of moving, you don't realize how much you accumulate over the years. Getting rid of so much stuff was hard but therapeutic. We often attach ourselves to things even though our things may sit in a dusty box somewhere for years and just keep collecting dust. When I started de-cluttering it felt like I was actually de-cluttering my mind. When you have so much stuff in your way, things seem chaotic. When you can start to clear things away, life and your surroundings start to become clearer. Once I started throwing or donating stuff, it was like a high, you just keep wanting to get rid of more and more. It was good to release my attachment on these things.
I'd say the hardest thing I packed away were pictures, I reminisced about my life and albums that I thought I could part with, I decided no way. I sat on my floor by myself in my bedroom and shut the door. Looking at the pictures reminded me how blessed I am, the albums were a part of my life and the memories are etched into my heart and mind forever. I want to be able look back and go wow, I have/had a great life.
So after two trips to the dump, 7 garbage bags donated, a garage sale, and selling items online, I'd say I got rid of half the stuff in my home. Wow what a process!
If you find that you are feeling cluttered in your mind, take a look around your home and maybe your surroundings are cluttered, once you release your attachment, the clarity will begin to take form.
Until Next Time...Thanks for Stopping By
Much Love,
Oh my where to begin, so you all know I am moving to Newfoundland in less then 2 weeks, I am getting extremely nervous, scared, and feeling real emotional. Although the decision was made to move with love, it still leaves me with the thoughts of what the hell am I doing. Then I stop and start thinking of the amazing family we have there and my wonderful friends. I take myself back to this past summer when I was traveling around for a couple of days with my friend Eliza. She took me to places in Newfoundland that I didn't know even existed. Once I saw those places, I was so much more in love with Newfoundland, I knew I had to move there.
For the past two years my husband and I wanted to move to Newfoundland but it never felt right, now with my older son moving to BC last year and my older daughter moving with her Dad to go to college in Oakville the time felt right to move now. I prayed many nights and asked God for direction, and there were some clear signs that I received to let me know the time is now. So with that, I am leaving my incredible job, my life here in Ontario, my family and my friends. It is time for me to slow down, and live in the present. My mind and body are always in overdrive, I have to force myself to slow down. My youngest daughter is almost 7 years old and I feel like I've missed enough. I want to be here and available for her, just like I was with my older two.
When you are in the process of moving, you don't realize how much you accumulate over the years. Getting rid of so much stuff was hard but therapeutic. We often attach ourselves to things even though our things may sit in a dusty box somewhere for years and just keep collecting dust. When I started de-cluttering it felt like I was actually de-cluttering my mind. When you have so much stuff in your way, things seem chaotic. When you can start to clear things away, life and your surroundings start to become clearer. Once I started throwing or donating stuff, it was like a high, you just keep wanting to get rid of more and more. It was good to release my attachment on these things.
I'd say the hardest thing I packed away were pictures, I reminisced about my life and albums that I thought I could part with, I decided no way. I sat on my floor by myself in my bedroom and shut the door. Looking at the pictures reminded me how blessed I am, the albums were a part of my life and the memories are etched into my heart and mind forever. I want to be able look back and go wow, I have/had a great life.
So after two trips to the dump, 7 garbage bags donated, a garage sale, and selling items online, I'd say I got rid of half the stuff in my home. Wow what a process!
If you find that you are feeling cluttered in your mind, take a look around your home and maybe your surroundings are cluttered, once you release your attachment, the clarity will begin to take form.
Until Next Time...Thanks for Stopping By
Much Love,
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