The Feeling Of Rejection

We've probably all experienced rejection at one time or another, and I think we can all agree that it hurts immensely. I remember feeling rejected from a very young age, do you remember the age when you started feeling rejection. What was happening to make you feel that way? Whether it was by friends, or family, I remember how sad it made me feel. 

There are several moments in my life, but the few that stand out were, my divorce, my parents separation/divorce, and my mom leaving us. Also, moving to Mississauga from London (Ontario) as a teenager and the people playing sports didn't accept me like my high-school in London did. I was 17 years old with only 1.5 years left of high-school, that was tough, but because of the rejection I gave up on sports in Mississauga. Later on, I did get back into playing sports as an adult, so life was good! 

How many times have you went for a job you knew you were qualified for, and to turn around and not get it. Like many of you, I could go on and on with my stories of rejection. But where it hurts the most is by family. I've been rejected by my parents, blended family and extended family. At times I struggle to make sense of it all, but I do use my tips below to cope. Here are 10 tips to help you cope with rejection. 

1. Don't take it personally
2. Take the rejection gracefully (You'll look like the bigger person)
3. Journal about how it feels to be rejected, express everything you are feeling
4. Have reasons for each possible outcome
5. Don't place your own value into someone else's hands
6. Focus on what you have to offer to the person who WILL choose you
7. Put a time limit on your grieving/rejection
8. Don't allow it to control your future
9. Use it to improve, don't dwell on it. 
10. Last but not least...KEEP LIVING

Rejection, in any form, hurts. We are human beings, not objects. I’m the first to admit that it’s nothing to be ashamed of, rejection stings. No matter the size of rejection, it creates self-doubt. It makes you start questioning your judgment and start second guessing what you do. Losing self confidence and feeling rejected seem like the end of the world sometimes. However, moving on with your life is the best remedy for rejection. So get back to living life, and stop dwelling on what you can't change. You control and are responsible for your feelings and actions, so stop worrying what others think, do or say and just live life. 

Thanks for stopping by...Until next time 

Much Love,


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