Your Emotional Well Being
Hey All,
I don't know about all of you, but 2016 is shaping up to be a very sad and troubled year. I am not one to watch much T.V. but lately it seems as if there has been one catastrophic event after another. I know there is continued hardships here in Canada and in other countries. With all of the terrorist attacks, hate crimes and coups, I have to say how thankful I am to live in Canada. Are we a perfect country of course not, but we are a very fortunate country. We are lucky to live in Canada and I know there are people who aren't happy with certain leaders in Canada, whether it be the Prime Minister or the Premiere but one things is for certain, we live in a safe country. Canada's hardships are so different then other countries, but through it all we stand united.
I wanted to write a blog to talk about how I am feeling with regards to what is happening in the world, i.e. Orlando, Dallas, Nice (France), the little 5 year old girl and her mother that were murdered in Calgary, and the coup that is happening in Turkey. Writing all of that made my heart hurt, in a very short time there has been very disturbing things that are happening in our world, and this is just recent stuff.
My husband had the tv on last night, and I poked my head up from my laptop to see the truck barrelling through Nice, France, so may people lost their lives, little babies, kids and parents. So so sad. Then I heard they found the little girls body from Calgary, all within about 10 mins. I said to myself why am I sitting here listening to this, this world is so mad, I couldn't stand to listen for another minute.
I turned everything off, sat in silence, and prayed for peace in our world. I had tears streaming down my face, and a very sad heart. I allowed myself to feel the sadness and pain. I felt helpless, hopeless, and angry. I said to myself I cannot go to sleep with these emotions, I really have to shake them off. I talked to my husband and told him how I was feeling, and we discussed it a bit, but then I decided to go on You Tube, and pull up Ellen De Generes "feel good" videos. So glad I did!
Watching her helped flip the switch in my head. The love and her generosity is such a beautiful thing and that is exactly what I needed after being riddled with such negativity. When you are down and out, or your emotions or anxieties are at a high, what do you do for yourself to get you out of that space. Another thing that I do, is go onto one of my Facebook Friends Ashley Benton page and just read the goodness she does for her community. You can't help but feel good after you read her page. She is such a breath of fresh air, and her Green Team ministry is such loving and giving people.
Often times we let our emotions rule us, or limit us, or care what other people think. If you continuously keep living in that bubble that is where you will stay. As long as you know you are a good person, and doing good, then live your life for you and your family. If you like to travel, travel, If you like to laugh, laugh. Don't let what is happening in the world stop you from doing what you love. For a split moment I said, how am I going to travel with all of this craziness going on in the world? Then with my next breath I said....WATCH ME!! I will not let anything or anyone define me or take my joy away from doing what I love to do. I love to make people laugh, so I had my moment of sadness and heartbreak, but then it was like "Okay Shelley, it's time to rock". Let's get back to who you are and what you represent.
I've blogged about it before, but give yourself a time frame to feel what ever it is you have to feel. Once that time has come and gone, release that negative energy with meditation, prayer, funny videos, out with friends, or a great support system.
Thanks for stopping by...Until Next Time
Much Love xo
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