Great Things Are Happening!

Hi All,

Happy New Year, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! It is always nice to get together with family and friends. Christmas was almost complete for me, my older daughter came to Newfoundland for Christmas, but unfortunately my son was not able to come. He lives in Trois  Rivieres, Quebec and is a chef in training. It's a hard for him to get away at Christmas, but hopefully next year, we can all be together. Overall, it was a very special time spent with family and friends.

It has been some time since I last blogged, and thought to update everyone on some exciting things I am working on. This past September (2019), I had the pleasure of being hired temporarily as a Facilitator at the Vista Family Resource Centre (VFRC) in Catalina. What I loved about this role, it gave me purpose. I woke up everyday excited, and ready for work. Working with the families and children, is my life purpose, and it was one of the best positions I've ever had. Not only is the culture with VFRC so genuine and kind, but connecting with the families from the community is what I truly enjoyed. When the position ended in December, I was sad at first, but then I turned that around, and thought I was so thankful for this opportunity.

If you followed my previous blog you would have read about my sickness. After I started to feel better, I got into a pretty deep depression, and sadness, didn't leave my home much for 3 months. The Facilitator position not only gave me purpose, but it gave me, my life back, I had so much joy and purpose. But, to back track a bit, in addition to the Facilitating role at the Centre, I was also hired for the Snack Packs Jumping Jacks Facilitator role as well, this was also through VFRC. With the Snack Packs role, I go into the schools each week to bring Healthy Eating, and an Active programming to the kindergartens. For a couple of months I was doing both the Facilitator role in Catalina, and the Snack Packs role in schools. Unfortunately the Centre came to and end, but as they say when one door closes, another one opens. I am very thankful still to be doing the Snack Packs program, this program should be done, in March/April.

In addition to those wonderful opportunities I am on several different committees in the Bonavista area, and fortunately one of my connections were looking for a Regional Trainer with Community Sector Council (CSC) for rural areas around Bonavista. CSC has a new program called techKNOWtutors. I was hired as the Regional Trainer for the Bonavista area, and I am so excited to be bringing these excellent training opportunities to our community. I will be following up with an additional blog with what techKNOWtutors has to offer. As an example, I will have drop in sessions for individuals to ask questions regarding their smart phones, laptops, tablet, or iPad's. Some of our training sessions will be about, Banking Online, Password Protection, Email Set Up and Etiquette, Shopping Online Safely, Scams, and Phishing. I highly recommend you attend, everything is absolutely free of charge. I am currently in St. John's training for this exciting role!

I know January can be a hard month for individuals, but I can tell you first hand, I've been in the deepest darkest places, and if I can rise above and overcome, you can too. If there is something you want, don't be afraid to ask, or push for it, challenge yourself. If you live in fear, you will stay right where you are, never knowing whats on the other side is a disservice to yourself. Find something that brings you joy, and roll with it, invite more of that into your life. Living my purpose is an amazing feeling. The fact I make a living doing two things I absolutely love, working with children, and teaching/training on technology is the best of both worlds. I am very thankful and blessed!


Until next time....Thanks for stopping by!



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