It's Been A Minute...

I hope everyone has been doing okay during these crazy times. How has the pandemic affected you? Friday, March 13th 2020 was a day that we will all remember, at least here in Newfoundland, I think other places were all within a week of that date. That is the day we got word the world was shutting down. I don't think people had any idea the magnitude of what was happening. I know I certainly didn't, it has been mind blowing to see everything unfold the way it has. There are so many discussions on how it started or where it started, I'm not about to write on that because I simply do not know. 

Back last Christmas, we had no idea what was in store for us, my older daughter came to visit us from Ontario for a couple of weeks, and we had a great time as usual. It's always extremely hard when it is time for her to go back, had I known what would happen in the next few months, I would never have let her leave. 

My daughter found something she is passionate about, and excited to begin. She's had some really tough times over the last several years, so to see her so happy and excited about something gave me so much joy. Let's face it, when are kids aren't happy or settled, neither are we (parents). So as sad as I was to drive her 3.5 hours back to the airport, I knew it was a bittersweet moment. She hopped on the plane and went back home, soon after she started a medical aesthetician program and was happier then I've ever seen her. She was in her element, and was excelling and thriving. Then came March 13th, her world came crashing down, and of course for so many others as well. Everything was put on hold, had I known what we were in store for, I would have kept her here, or held her a little longer. 

The hardest part of the pandemic is not being able to be with the ones you love. I have not seen my son for 2.5 years, and we were planning on seeing him this summer. I worry that things will never be the same, it's been so hard on so many people for many different reasons. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones, and especially not being able to be with them during those times. 

I long to hold my older kids, and cuddle and kiss them, just as if they were little toddlers. I've cried so many tears, and my heart aches so much, I just pray that I can see them for Christmas. I don't think I can hold off much longer. Also, my step dad, who has been instrumental on who I am today, is deteriorating quite quickly. We had to put him in a nursing home last year. His dementia is getting worse, rapidly. I will be crushed if I can't see him soon. He was always there for me as a teen and up until he got sick. I miss my brothers, my nieces and nephews, and I miss all of my friends. I know when we reunite, there are going to be so many tears shed. I don't know about you, but as Ive gotten older I have become such a mush ball. 

I did finish up with both of my jobs as well, so that was sad, as I've mentioned in previous blogs, Vista Family Resource Centre was definitely one of my most favourite roles, and TechKNOWtutors finished up during the pandemic too. I was so grateful for both positions! I hope our paths will cross again!

So this is the affects of Covid for me, comment how the pandemic has affected you. 

So lets talk about the positive side, I do always try to find something positive out of a negative ;)

On March 28th, I had enough of feeling crappy, everything I ate was affecting, me I was uncomfortable, and feeling sick alot, and I was heavier then I ever was, even at 9 months pregnant. So my husband and I change our lifestyle, and since then I am down almost 30 lbs, and my husband is down 40 lbs. Although I do have my emotional days, because I miss my family I feel so good, and energized. When we first started I could hardly walk a block, and now I am walking anywhere from 7-9 kms a day. This has definitely been such a game changer for me, and I am so happy with my progress. I've tried so many things in the past, but if your not in the right mindset, your not going to succeed. So much blood sweat and tears, but its all worth it! If I can do it, you can too! Build yourself a support system. My husband has been my rock. He supports and encourages me every step of the way, we built up a good routine before he went back to work, so I've continued and stuck to the routine. I look forward to getting out on my walks. It allows me to clear my mind, and breath in some good fresh air.

I find walking helps me with my thoughts, I get in my head alot, and go to very dark places, I'm telling you it is not easy being away from the ones you love. I am thankful for my life here, I know its a beautiful place, and it's so safe to raise our 12 year old daughter. Seeing her happy and settled, and having incredible friends really helps me as well. This November will be 6 years that we've lived here, its crazy to think its been that long, its been great finding my happiness, it's been a long road. Changing to a healthier lifestyle during the pandemic has been hard but so rewarding, so this definitely has been such a positive change in our life, and our marriage! 

But, I do have to apologize in advance, I will continue to talk about the weather, I know people probably get annoyed because I talk a lot about Newfoundland weather, but that is how I cope. I am used to 4 seasons for 46 years (I am almost 51 now), living here, we may have 2 seasons, so I do get annoyed #sorrynotsorry lol. I told my husband, when I retire, my winter months WILL NOT be spent in Newfoundland haha. The weather certainly has been one of the hardest things to adapt to, and I am very adaptable, so you know its tough lol.

One more positive thing to note, here in Newfoundland they are promoting "Stay Home Year" which I think is brilliant, during the summer I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. My husband had a week off in July, and we took the earlier part in the week and headed to Gros Morne. While there we rented a cottage, attempted a hike (thats a funny story) and went white water rafting, and hiked to a beautiful waterfall swimming hole. 

The hike didn't go as planned, my husband was annoyed and I was disappointed in myself. We woke up with the intention of doing a hike, so we headed towards the visitor centre in Gros Morne to find out what would be the most suitable hike for us. Well, because of Covid, the centre was closed. So we walked around the grounds, and we saw a trail that we seen others heading to. So I said, lets follow these people, I mean how hard could it be, I walk 7-9 kms a day so I felt confident...WELL.... little did I know we chose the one that has the 2nd biggest incline in Gross Morne, if your not familiar with Gros Morne, google it. Its Canada's version of the Grand Canyons so to speak. It was a steep and a steady incline the entire way, it felt like we hiked forever, I had to keep stopping and resting. My knees were shaking, I felt sick and I started to dry heave lol. My husband said to me so many times, do you want to quit, and I was like no way. So I kept pushing myself, but then I started to feel really sick, he said come on, hop on my back I'll piggy back you up. I said, you do know I am 200 lbs right lol, so uh no, do you see how far down I'll go if you drop me. Not to mention the 5 + more kms we still had to go, and it was all a straight up incline. 

As I was resting this lady saw me, she said, here take my walking stick, I said oh ok, are you sure? So, me and my new walking stick got up and tried again, I got up maybe another km, but the heat definitely got to me. We asked people who were coming down, and they said your only a third of the way up. I was like seriously! My husband said, you are not enjoying it, so what do you want to do, do you want to stop. At that moment I felt like such a failure, and as hard as it was, I said yes. So after all that, we turned around and went back down. He didn't talk to me the whole way down. I was upset, and he was so disappointed, he really wanted to get to the top. I felt so bad, when I got back to the car, I googled that trail, and it said for experienced hikers, I am like Dohhhh, I haven't hiked in over 10 years, I showed my husband, I felt like I deserved a pat for at least trying it. Although I didn't finish it, I still felt pretty good for how much I did complete. Until next year....I'll try it again :D

Oh, and something else I've really enjoyed during the pandemic is,  I joined TikTok, and I must say, I am having a blast with it! 

So follow along on this crazy thing called...LIFE 😀

Here is the link to all my socials

What are some of the positives that came out of the pandemic for you?

Until next time...Thanks for stopping by!

Much Love,

Gros Morne - Newfoundland

White Water Rafting with Rafting Newfoundland

I am right at the front - What a rush!



Missing my Older Children


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